A Storm Drain of Your Very Own

If you’ve ever wanted a storm drain of your very own – here’s your big chance!

Clogged storm drains slow water flow from streets and leach pollution into White Bear Lake. But there’s something you can do! Adopt a street storm drain near you through the Adopt-A-Drain program, then twice a month, clear it of sticks and debris. Currently fewer than 10 percent of the storm drains around White Bear Lake have been adopted, and the White Bear Lake Conservation District is sponsoring a friendly competition on to increase that number. This is a great family activity and a chance to teach your children how it’s up to all of us to keep White Bear Lake beautiful.

Why adopt a drain? Storm drains carries trash, salt, and other pollution into local lakes, rivers, and wetlands. The Adopt-a-Drain program gives residents the opportunity to keep lakes and streams clean by adopting a storm drain in their neighborhood and keeping it clear of leaves, trash, and other debris. Volunteer 15 minutes, twice a month, for cleaner waterways and healthier communities!

How do I volunteer? Go to mn.adopt-a-drain.org. Click on “Adopt a Drain” to see a map of known drain locations. Not all drains are shown on the map, but you can add missing drains. Then follow the directions to adopt a storm drain near you.

How are we doing? We could do a lot better. In the five communities surrounding White Bear Lake, fewer than 10 percent of known drains have been adopted. We can do more to protect White Bear Lake and local watersheds!

The challenge: The White Bear Lake Conservation District challenges its five member communities to more than double the number adopted drains by the end of October 2022. Results of the challenge will be announced at the WBLCD board meeting on November 15, 2022.